Home Code of conduct for coding
Code of conduct for coding

Code of conduct for coding

In programming it is common practive to work together on problems, for example with pair programming or to search for other solutions on the internet. It is not forbidden to do this, but there are some constraints to it.

  • If you use code from the Internet, please cite it
  • If you work together with other people, please cite it
  • If you don’t understand code completely, ask me or one of the Lab assistants
  • Don’t copy code from a fellow student

You should not only cite if you copy code from an external source also when you adapt it.

Here is an example how to properly cite inside your code if you used a tutorial for example:

// The following 7 lines of code was adapted from https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ Accessed: 2021-09-24

And here is an example if you worked together with another student or friend:

// The following 3 lines of code was added by courtesy of Garrit Schaap

You can find more information about this topics at the Handbook for Students from the MIT and in the Study guide on Canvas.

All cases of suspected plagiarism will be reported and investigated.