Home 06: Text

06: Text

You can draw text onto the canvas. To achieve that, you can use the following p5.js command:

text(string, x, y, [width], [height]);

First you have to put in your string, you can use a variable here or put in the string directly. Next you give a position on the canvas in pixel and if you like, you can put in a width and a height as well.

If you want to use a string directly, you will use the quotation marks, if you would like to use a variable, you use the name of the variable without any quotations.

Here is an example using a string directly:

text("Great work 👍", 100, 100);

Great work written on canvas Writing text with p5.js

And here is an example with a variable:

let greeting = "Hello 😀";
text(greeting, 100, 100);

Hello written on canvas Writing text with p5.js

To change the color of your text, you can use the fill command that we already know:

fill(255, 0, 255);
text("Super awesome 🍪", 100, 100);

Super awesome written on canvas Writing text with p5.js

In the p5.js reference and on your CheatSheet, you can find more possibilities to play around with text. For example, size, font, alignment and more.

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